“Mrs. Maria L., 29 years old, came to the Casa some days ago and was very nervous and in anguish. She could hardly explain what was happening to her. She is married to Juan who works as a mechanic and earns 1800 pesos ($100) a week. They have an 11-year-old son in the 6th grade and a daughter in the 2nd grade. The daughter suffers from epilepsy, and they have no medical insurance. She was receiving treatment in a mental health hospital in Tijuana. On their last visit, they were told that because of some hospital changes, it was decided to stop treatment to children with certain disabilities.”
“When Maria came to the Casa, she received a card to the Clinic services by the Pediatrician and for Bodega Day for groceries. As her husband earns very little, and she takes care of the children, the daughter is now receiving a scholarship aid from the Casa. Maria cried so much for the gratitude she felt to God and to the Casa de los Pobres because she felt so blessed.”
Christmas at the Casa

Christmas was celebrated at the Casa on December 23. Some 1500 of the poorest families received a special bag of groceries, along with the precious gift of a new blanket! These people have nothing. They live in the dumps on windy hills, have no running water, and electricity is scarce. Men, women, and children suffer from malnutrition, as well as lung diseases caused by the continual breathing of polluted burning garbage fumes and the bitter cold on winter nights.
Your donations made these Christmas gifts possible! GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS TO HELP OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE SLUMS OF TIJUANA DURING THIS HOLY SEASON. We received $30,220 from our special Christmas letter appeal, and $6714 from the All Hallows special collection on December 1-2. We are grateful to Fr. Jerry O’Donnell who warmly supports the Casa. Our regular monthly donors sent us $18,822. We also received a generous donation from the Michael and Dawn House Family Fund via the San Diego Foundation.
How You Can Help
Please pray for the people and the Sisters. The impoverished men, women, and children who come to the Casa are truly grateful and know that you do love and care. Without YOU, they would not celebrate such a Happy Christmas. Sister Armida relies on “God to Provide.” HE surely does through your loving hearts.
Can you help us monthly? Consider a New Year’s Resolution for 2019 to support the poorest of the poor regularly. We’re counting on you so we can continue to serve these 24,755 meals EVERY MONTH. Everything is tax-deductible. Receipts are available upon request. We have NO overhead (except minimal PayPal and credit card charges).
Would you like to receive our newsletter each month? Please call Pat 858-551-9245 or Jackie 858-412-5544.