Every Thursday at the Casa is “Bodega (Grocery) Day.” Families obtain a ticket from the Social Service office, and bring a bag to fill.
In many cases, this bag of groceries may be all the food the family has for the week.
The families typically receive:
- A kilo of beans
2 or 3 loaves of day-old bread
- Rice
- Miscellaneous cans of food, depending on what’s been donated
- Maybe small potatoes or squash
- Backyard fruit that’s been donated
It’s a treat for the visitors to the Casa to receive fresh fruits and vegetables!
Please help us feed the poor of Tijuana on Bodega Day each week!
- Make a monetary donation, which helps the sisters buy beans, rice and canned goods. See the “Donate” tab above.
- Drop off unexpired cans of food or bags of rice or beans, at the Casa. Proteins such as canned chicken and tuna are especially helpful.
- Drop off food at our USA donation site: Our Lady of Refuge Church, 4226 Jewell Street (corner of Jewell St. and Oliver Ave), San Diego 92109, Sundays 8 AM – 2 PM, Mondays 8:30 AM to 3 PM; Marissa in the office will open the hall for donations.
- Questions: CasaDeLosPobresUSA@gmail.com
Casa De Los Pobres, U.S.A. Tax ID #45-0514951