(a letter from Fr. Gil Gentile, SJ . . .)
Do a Work of Mercy during Lent – Feed the Hungry by Buying a Bag of Beans!
Dear friends & family,
Once again we are appealing to your wonderful generosity. The last time that we made this appeal in 2013, the response to our “Legumes for Lent” Campaign was truly amazing! As you can imagine, the need continues. For the meals and for the grocery bag program for the elderly, handicapped and families, the Casa uses over 7,000 pounds of dried pinto beans per month which costs between $4,000-$5,000!
Since beans are such an absolute staple in the lives of the poor people who come to the Casa, it would once again be a great blessing if we could get enough beans donated to at least carry them through Lent.
If you are able to donate even 5 pounds of beans, or the equivalent in the form of a check made out to Casa de los Pobres USA or a gift card from Costco or Smart & Final (both have outlets in Tijuana), Sr. Armida, the other sisters, the people of the Casa de los Pobres, and I would be most grateful.
- You can mail checks or gift cards to: Casa de los Pobres USA, 6432 Cardeno Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037. Or donate online!
If you would like to donate actual bags of dried pinto beans, please drop them off at one of our 2 drop-off locations:
- CORONADO: 523 J Ave in Coronado. For more info, email Deacon Kevin Murray at kevin.m.murray@gmail.com. (This drop-off is for Legumes for Lent only.)
- LA JOLLA: 6432 Cardeno Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037. For more info, contact Pat at 858-551-9245. (This drop-off operates January through July, and September through December for food and school supplies.)
May God bless you!
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam! For the Greater Glory of God!