“He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly.”

Luke 1:52

older woman  Mrs. Marie Elena Lopez, age 75, came to the Casa de los Pobres the beginning of July, saying her husband died 4 months ago. They rented a small house and had no children. After her husband’s death, she could not pay the rent and begged the owner of the small house to let her live there a few more months, while she found the means to pay or find a job. One day, she left to look for a job washing clothes or cleaning a house.  When she returned, she found the door closed and her belongings outside in the street.  She had some things of sentimental value still inside, but could not get them back.  

She cried very much and was so worried, but then she thought, “we take nothing with us from this world except the good deeds that we do during our life.”  

She started walking to look for help.  A good person allowed her to sleep in her house.  The next day she found a small room where she can live, but she needed to pay the first month’s rent right away, and she had no money.

She said some people recommended that she come to Casa de los Pobres. She came and said, “I am here waiting for God to help me through this Casa.”  We gave her money for the rent, her card pass for clinic care, and a card for Bodega Day. She left happy, thanking God and the Casa, and said when she gets settled in her new room, she will come and volunteer to help others at the Casa. She does not need “things” and knows she is old but can still be helpful. (from Sister Gudelia)

Education is the Key to Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Sister Armida so appreciates the scholarship donations!  studentsOne of the girls is starting college!  (How great is that?)  If you can help Sponsor a Student, you’ll help break the cycle of poverty for these children.

School increases dignity in the children by giving them a proper education in the “3 R’s”, while the Sisters instruct them in the important spiritual tenets of our Faith. The Nuns (with your donations) help and assist over 500 students with school supplies and other necessities. With the Scholarship Fund money, the Sisters find ever more worthy students who truly desire to study and improve their life situation. The students discover vocation goals and work toward them. It is an exciting time of life for these dedicated children!

How You Can Help

SPECIAL REQUESTS continue to be school supplies, shoes, and socks for children.

There is always a need for staple food, vitamins, and the basics — toilet paper, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo — things we take for granted.


The old, infirm, and mentally ill have no means of support and comfort as do most of us in the U.S.  For the young or middle-aged, the Casa is a positive transition haven until they find a job.  Your donations help the Sisters supply support, comfort, and food.  

Please pray for these people, as they pray for us.


We sent $14,000.87 to our Franciscan Missionaries from 57 donors this month.  

San Rafael Parish in Rancho Bernardo contributed two full truck loads of school supplies along with $2,500!

Thank you for your gifts of bedding, school supplies, and food. These donations brighten the lives of those who come to the Casa.  The people thank God daily before breakfast for the special blessings you make possible in their lives.

We have NO expenses other than minimal PayPal and credit card charges.  Your donations go directly to the poor. No one is ever turned away from the Casa.