“The needy shall not always be forgotten nor the hopes of the poor in vain.” Psalm 91

Nahum, one of the Casa’s Scholarship recipients in elementary school says, “Moved by Nahum a scholarship recipient gratitude for all the help you have given me. With love and blessings. I hope you don’t forget me . . .”

One  little boy, Jeffrey M., lives in a half-open garage. But he still has dreams of helping others: “I would like to reach my dream to be a Robotics Engineer. I want to create elements that help people with disabilities.”  His recent report card shows a final grade of 9.8 out of 10!

Anayeli V. also is pursuing an education to help others: “I wish to send you my gratitude for all the blessings you have given me, no doubt making my career path lighter taken by your hand. I am close to concluding this beautiful specialty of caring for special needs children. It is career of much responsibility, dealing with infants is a huge task but finally very satisfactory. Thanks for being part of my formation, for motivating me and ensuring that I did not lose my studies. May God bless you. Thank you!” Continue reading