“The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor”

Psalm 34

Christmas at the Casa 2015

Thank you for hearing the cry of the poor!  You made Christmas a time of JOY for our 2014christmas-boysbrothers and sisters in Christ who endure harsh poverty in the dumps of Tijuana.  You provided 1,500 bags of special food and a precious new blanket for 1500 families.

About 1,500 families came via bus lines or on foot from the hills and dumps to attend an early Mass.  The mission of the Casa is to glorify God through the works of mercy. The people did indeed glorify God and the Holy Family by their thankfulness and joy as they received the food, blankets, toys, and quilts.

A breakfast of cocoa and hot cinnamon buns was served to those waiting in line to receive the gifts.  Humble men and women stood in line for hours to receive a bag of beans, rice, oatmeal, sugar, tuna, canned milk, and fruit. They were thrilled and grateful to receive this food and the other gifts.

2014christmas-kidsThe people enjoy the fellowship and comfort that the Casa offers. Women often express their joy with tears. Moms were happy to receive a handmade quilt for their babies.

Most of us have NO IDEA what it is like to live the way these people must live. They were sincerely grateful for these simple gifts, happy to share with others and to enjoy this festive Holy Day at the Casa with their friends and the Sisters. To the men, women, and children who come to the Casa, it is “home” and represents a refuge, security, and love.

“O God, you are my strength.”

The Sisters will be delivering more blankets to some outlying Colonias. The nights are extremely cold.


It is a good time to give tarps, extra blankets, caps, socks, and mittens. The need is2014christmas-girls never ending.

In December, we received $41,661.81 from our regular donors for both monthly and Christmas help. This amount includes a very generous stock donation. We received $64,621 (total for both November and December) from our special Christmas appeal letter and other donors.  That amount included $44,146 from the All Hallows Church Advent collection and special letters and $2,500 from All Hallows Church.

This money purchased the special food, blankets, and toys (and chickens and shoes were donated). The Casa children thank the students at Turtleback Elementary for the many shoe boxes filled with useful and fun items.  The Adult School in Chula Vista again collected staple food that filled one truck. In November, All Hallows Academy collected many bags of food.

2014christmas-shoesOur check to Sister Armida this month will buy MORE BLANKETS, food, and essentials for January.  Words cannot convey how much we appreciate your love. The Sisters and people are grateful for your support and pray for your intentions daily.

The Franciscan Sisters have been serving the destitute in Tijuana since 1957 through their soup kitchen, bodega (pantry), roperia (clothing room), medical clinic, and social service office. They reach thousands each week through their apostolate of LOVE — serving JESUS in the poor.

In December, 20 scholarship aids were given.  2 children were baptized, 7 received First Communion, and 8 received the sacrament of Confirmation.

Casa de Los Pobres USA was formed to help with donations — we are all volunteers, all services are donated — we have NO overhead.  100% of your contribution goes to support the work of the Casa.

May your New Year be filled with Peace and Joy