Jesus is the Face of the Poor

What is life like for the poorest of the poor in Tijuana?

“Laura R, her husband Marcial, and their four children live in a poor and distant colony. Marcial has a leg prosthesis as a result of a serious accident. In this colonia, Marcial makes bricks. Noxious black smoke and flames continually billow from the chimney of this brick “factory.” The kiln serves as Marcial’s main source of income. They do not own the land upon which they live and are at risk to be thrown out of their little shack. Marcial earns little and has no work if the bricks do not sell. This family periodically receives food, clothes, and school supplies from the Casa and are deeply grateful.”

1300 of the Poorest Families will have a Brighter Christmas Because of You

God bless you for your generous donations to help our brothers and sisters in the slums of Tijuana during this Holy Season. As of December 3, we have received:

  • $12,604.30 from our special Christmas letter appeal sent to all who contributed last year
  • $4,993 from the All Hallows special collection on November 28-29. We are grateful to Fr. Jerry O’Donnell who warmly supports the Casa.
  • Our regular monthly donors plus several others sent us $21,768.50.
  • We also received a $1,000 anonymous donation from the San Diego Foundation.

Casa Christmas CardThese donations will help to provide a special bag of groceries for 1300 of the poorest families along with the precious gift of a new blanket!

Sister has purchased the blankets.  The Casa Christmas distribution is on December 22.

Those who receive the Christmas gifts have nothing. They live in the dumps on windy hills, have no running water, and electricity is scarce. Men, women, and children suffer from malnutrition and lung diseases caused by the continual breathing of polluted burning-garbage fumes. Help us to help them!  

Thank you for your continuing support during Advent

Please pray for the people and the Sisters.  This year, the ladies of All Hallows stitched about 165 pretty quilts for babies and special-needs people. The impoverished men, women, and children who come to the Casa are truly grateful and feel your love and care. Without YOU, they would not celebrate such a Happy Christmas. Sister Armida relies on “God to Provide.” He surely does through your open, giving, and loving hearts.

The people of the Casa and the Sisters pray every day for your intentions.  Your special prayer requests are WELCOME and are placed upon the altar of the Chapel. Please send them to us.

Your donations are tax-deductible. Receipts are available, just ask!  We have NO overhead, we are all volunteers helping to support the Casa.  If you wish to be informed of the many needs of the Casa on a regular basis, please call Pat at 858-551-9245 or Jackie at 858-412-5544 and we’ll add you to our mailing list.  WE NEED YOUR MONTHLY HELP — and your prayers.



  • 21,520 people of all ages were served hot meals in our Dining Room
  • 1,240 General Medical Clinic, Pediatric, and Specialists consultations, and prescriptions filled
  • 2,520 bags of groceries were given
  • 1,425 families obtained clothes and house supplies. One trip was made to deliver food to neighborhoods
  • 520 people personally attended in Social Service Office. Different groups came to do haircuts and volunteer help
  • 26 Scholarship aids were given