“Almsgiving frees one from death.” St. Polycarp

The Family includes the mother Maria and 2 children, ages 17 and 11. Maria works

middle school students

in a maquiladora with wax. The money she earns is not enough to pay for all their needs, like electricity, gas, water, food, clothing, school, medicine, etc. They have to pay rent. The house has two rooms and the bathroom is a hole in the ground. The roof is leaking. If she misses a working day, she receives 2/3 of her salary. Maria wants for her children a better future and education, so they will not live in this situation of poverty. They are grateful for the help the Casa provides to them.”  

You can help break the cycle of poverty — through education

School increases self-esteem in the children by giving them a solid education in the “3 Rs,” while the Sisters instruct them in the important Spiritual and moral tenets of our Faith. Your donations enable the Sisters to help over 500 students with school supplies and other necessities.

With the Scholarship Fund, the Sisters find serious students who have goals and who truly desire to study and improve their life situation. Several of the Scholarship students we supported have become nurses, secretaries, and lawyers.

Group of 4 students

These students discover vocational goals and work towards them. It is an exciting time of life for these children. They deeply appreciate your help! Alexis Z writes: “Lots of thanks for the school supplies to help me for a future, as a student I hope to improve and have a better future for a good life.”


Looking toward Christmas, we are now collecting simple toys such as balls, dolls, trucks, jump ropes, etc. for the children. And we are collecting blankets for adults and families. Blankets are priceless and a families’ most precious possession! 

Our current needs include:

  • School supplies  two little kids
  • New shoes and socks for children (especially wanted)
  • Staple foods (tuna, powdered milk, beans, rice, peanut butter, canned vegetables)
  • Vitamins
  • Toilet paper, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo
  • Warm sweaters and jackets

Please NO used shoes and NO other types of clothing.

Special thanks

Over the past few months, donors have contributed over $40,000 each month!  We’ve been blessed with a large donation of $15,203 from St. Brigid’s Parish, and two $10,000 donations. San Rafael Church sent us $2,793 for school supplies. All Hallows supported “back to school” with many filled book bags and lots of other supplies, plus cash donations. We sent over $1,500 per month in scholarship aid for the students, and $5,000 for needed repairs.

Thank you for your gifts of food, bedding, and school supplies. These donations bolster the lives of the many who come to the Casa for help. The people thank God daily before breakfast for the special blessings that you make possible in their lives. 

Tax receipts are available upon request. We have NO expenses other than minimal fees from PayPal and credit card donations. Everything goes directly to the poor. No one is ever turned away. Please pray for these people, as they pray for us.

Your generosity allowed the Casa to serve almost 20,000 meals in September!


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