Jesus is the Face of the Poor

“To all the persons that make possible that many of us have a plate of food. I live withChildren wearing scarves and hats my husband who injured his back from a fall 2 years ago. I suffer diabetes. I need to work, so I make flour tortillas to sell so I can earn to pay rent, water, and electricity. The groceries we get from the Casa de los Pobres is a great help, and if you could give us tennis shoes, it helps me to come to get my weekly food. Many thanks and may God bless each of you.”  Maria M.

How can you help?

Special needs for this month are:

  • Vitamin C tabs, Tylenol 500mg, and other unexpired medicines and vitamins (cough medicine, children’s cold medicine, daily vitamins)
  • Newborn and adult pampers
  • Canned tuna, canned milk, canned spaghetti sauce/pasta, canned tomato sauce and other canned, dried, or boxed foods  (unexpired)
  • Beans, rice in 10 or 20 lb packages
  • New clothing and shoes (sorry: we can’t accept any used clothing or shoes.)
  • Hygenic and cleaning supplies
  • New towels and sheets, blankets, sleeping bags, tarps

NEW LOCATION! These donations may be dropped off Monday-Friday, 8 am – 4:00 pm at St. Brigid’s Parish Office, 4735 Cass Street, San Diego, CA 92109. Please put your donations in WHITE plastic bags marked “CASA”. Thank you!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT. Please pray for the people and the Sisters. The impoverished men, women, and children who come to the Casa are grateful and feel your loving care. Without YOU, they would not celebrate such a Happy and warm Christmas. Sister Armida relies on “God to Provide.” HE surely does through your open hearts.

Christmas at the Casa

Family in front of manger sceneYour donations will help provide a chicken and a special bag of groceries for 1500 of the poorest families, along with the precious gift of a new blanket. Plus, Caroline Kelner and her energetic team packaged thousands and thousands of bags of Halloween candy for distribution, along with dental supplies for the children.

The Christmas gift of food, a blanket, and a toy at Christmas is all that many families have to brighten the Holidays. Those who receive the Christmas gifts live in the dumps on windy hills, have no running water, electricity is scarce and often provided via extension cords strung from house to house. “Bathrooms” are crude. Men, women, and children suffer from malnutrition and diseases caused by breathing burning garbage fumes. This is third-world living on our doorstep.

We will comfort them with a Happy Christmas feast! May God bless you for your generous donations to help our brothers and sisters in the slums of Tijuana during this holy season of Advent. We are thankful to those wonderful people who have made a Christmas donation this year, as well as all of you who support the Casa month after month. The comfort and basic needs provided by the Casa would not be possible without you!

We received other large donations of food, socks, blankets, and tarps from several2 girls with toys individuals. We are thankful for so many wonderful gifts. The people of the Casa and the Sisters pray each day for your intentions.

Receipts are available upon request. Everything is tax-dedudtible. We have virtually no overhead; 100% of your donations (minus minimal PayPal and credit card fees) go directly to the Sisters in Tijuana for the poor. No one who comes to the Casa is ever turned away.

We thank God for your goodness and wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Holy New Year.

“Come, Lord Jesus, come. We need you. Make us feel the desire to pray and the need to love.” Pope Francis

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