“To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests . . .

” . . . but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.” Pope Francis, Pontifex, 11/25/13

“Mrs. Isabel B. has been separated from her husband for two years. He left when she
was pregnant with their 4th child because she refused to have an abortion. She works very hard to support the family:  sons 15, 9, 2, and a daughter 11. They go to school. She takes the little one and goes to clean houses.”

“She worries because she does not have enough to feed them and also send them to school. She is thinking, with tears in her eyes, between two options . . . to have the oldest leave the 9th grade, so he can work or give in adoption the little one. The children are earning good grades in school. The children receive help and food from the Casa and milk for the little one. The three older ones have received catechetical instructions here in the Casa and received Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.”  These are the heartbreaking challenges of the people of the Casa de Los Pobres. Continue reading