St. Leo the Great
A note of gratitude from one of the children of the Casa (translated)
“Well, first of all I would like to thank you for the help that you have been giving us these past years. Thank you for your help in my sister’s and my school supplies, because it is a big help. My Mom’s weekly salary is $61 (in U.S. dollars) a week and she needs to pay rent, electricity, water, food, our lunch (we are three sisters), and bus tickets to go to our schools (kindergarten, elementary, and secondary school). This is all a big help. May God multiply all you give us a thousand to one. You are a true blessing. Thank you. God bless you.” Guadalupe R.C.
The Sisters provide hope, courage, strength, and love to these people
Many of the men, women, and children who come to the Casa are weak, need medical care, food, and clothing. They are overwhelmed with physical and mental ills. Most are very hungry, and so they apply for food cards from the Social Service Office. Often, these people have no food at home. These cards enable hundreds to come for Bodega Day each Thursday to receive a bag of donated groceries — beans, rice, a few vegetables, a can of food, and some day old bread. FOOD IS UPPERMOST IN THE MINDS OF THE POOR. Continue reading